Cards for Women
INSIDE: Sweet cheeks!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: Yeah, me neither. Have a silent but deadly Birthday.Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: I didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. So I got you this card. Happy BirthdayRetail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: And by “friends, food and fun” I mean “me, cake and wine.”Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: You clean up nicely! Happy BirthdayRetail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: ..."Girls night out" didn't mean walking around the house without a bra? Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: Walk this way and everything returns to where it once belonged. Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: a cliff. Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: ... the better the bath toys. Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97
INSIDE: "Except that one you keep having where you’re walking around naked at your old high school. Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.99
INSIDE: Which gives you an excuse to buy more shoes. Happy Birthday!Retail Price: $3.99
1 UNIT = 6 cards of this design Cost: $11.97